API Reference for the attr Namespace


These are the traditional APIs whose creation predates type annotations. They are not deprecated, but we suggest using the attrs namespace for new code, because they look nicer and have better defaults.

See also On The Core API Names.


attr.s(these=None, repr_ns=None, repr=None, cmp=None, hash=None, init=None, slots=False, frozen=False, weakref_slot=True, str=False, auto_attribs=False, kw_only=False, cache_hash=False, auto_exc=False, eq=None, order=None, auto_detect=False, collect_by_mro=False, getstate_setstate=None, on_setattr=None, field_transformer=None, match_args=True, unsafe_hash=None)

A class decorator that adds dunder methods according to the specified attributes using attr.ib or the these argument.

Consider using attrs.define / attrs.frozen in new code (attr.s will never go away, though).


repr_ns (str) – When using nested classes, there was no way in Python 2 to automatically detect that. This argument allows to set a custom name for a more meaningful repr output. This argument is pointless in Python 3 and is therefore deprecated.


Refer to attrs.define for the rest of the parameters, but note that they can have different defaults.

Notably, leaving on_setattr as None will not add any hooks.

Added in version 16.0.0: slots

Added in version 16.1.0: frozen

Added in version 16.3.0: str

Added in version 16.3.0: Support for __attrs_post_init__.

Changed in version 17.1.0: hash supports None as value which is also the default now.

Added in version 17.3.0: auto_attribs

Changed in version 18.1.0: If these is passed, no attributes are deleted from the class body.

Changed in version 18.1.0: If these is ordered, the order is retained.

Added in version 18.2.0: weakref_slot

Deprecated since version 18.2.0: __lt__, __le__, __gt__, and __ge__ now raise a DeprecationWarning if the classes compared are subclasses of each other. __eq and __ne__ never tried to compared subclasses to each other.

Changed in version 19.2.0: __lt__, __le__, __gt__, and __ge__ now do not consider subclasses comparable anymore.

Added in version 18.2.0: kw_only

Added in version 18.2.0: cache_hash

Added in version 19.1.0: auto_exc

Deprecated since version 19.2.0: cmp Removal on or after 2021-06-01.

Added in version 19.2.0: eq and order

Added in version 20.1.0: auto_detect

Added in version 20.1.0: collect_by_mro

Added in version 20.1.0: getstate_setstate

Added in version 20.1.0: on_setattr

Added in version 20.3.0: field_transformer

Changed in version 21.1.0: init=False injects __attrs_init__

Changed in version 21.1.0: Support for __attrs_pre_init__

Changed in version 21.1.0: cmp undeprecated

Added in version 21.3.0: match_args

Added in version 22.2.0: unsafe_hash as an alias for hash (for PEP 681 compliance).

Deprecated since version 24.1.0: repr_ns

Changed in version 24.1.0: Instances are not compared as tuples of attributes anymore, but using a big and condition. This is faster and has more correct behavior for uncomparable values like math.nan.

Added in version 24.1.0: If a class has an inherited classmethod called __attrs_init_subclass__, it is executed after the class is created.

Deprecated since version 24.1.0: hash is deprecated in favor of unsafe_hash.

For example:

>>> import attr
>>> @attr.s
... class C:
...     _private = attr.ib()
>>> C(private=42)
>>> class D:
...     def __init__(self, x):
...         self.x = x
>>> D(1)
<D object at ...>
>>> D = attr.s(these={"x": attr.ib()}, init=False)(D)
>>> D(1)
>>> @attr.s(auto_exc=True)
... class Error(Exception):
...     x = attr.ib()
...     y = attr.ib(default=42, init=False)
>>> Error("foo")
Error(x='foo', y=42)
>>> raise Error("foo")
Traceback (most recent call last):
Error: ('foo', 42)
>>> raise ValueError("foo", 42)   # for comparison
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: ('foo', 42)
attr.ib(default=NOTHING, validator=None, repr=True, cmp=None, hash=None, init=True, metadata=None, type=None, converter=None, factory=None, kw_only=False, eq=None, order=None, on_setattr=None, alias=None)

Create a new field / attribute on a class.

Identical to attrs.field, except it’s not keyword-only.

Consider using attrs.field in new code (attr.ib will never go away, though).


Does nothing unless the class is also decorated with attr.s (or similar)!

Added in version 15.2.0: convert

Added in version 16.3.0: metadata

Changed in version 17.1.0: validator can be a list now.

Changed in version 17.1.0: hash is None and therefore mirrors eq by default.

Added in version 17.3.0: type

Deprecated since version 17.4.0: convert

Added in version 17.4.0: converter as a replacement for the deprecated convert to achieve consistency with other noun-based arguments.

Added in version 18.1.0: factory=f is syntactic sugar for default=attr.Factory(f).

Added in version 18.2.0: kw_only

Changed in version 19.2.0: convert keyword argument removed.

Changed in version 19.2.0: repr also accepts a custom callable.

Deprecated since version 19.2.0: cmp Removal on or after 2021-06-01.

Added in version 19.2.0: eq and order

Added in version 20.1.0: on_setattr

Changed in version 20.3.0: kw_only backported to Python 2

Changed in version 21.1.0: eq, order, and cmp also accept a custom callable

Changed in version 21.1.0: cmp undeprecated

Added in version 22.2.0: alias


attrs also comes with a serious-business alias attr.attrib.

The object returned by attr.ib also allows for setting the default and the validator using decorators:

>>> @attr.s
... class C:
...     x = attr.ib()
...     y = attr.ib()
...     @x.validator
...     def _any_name_except_a_name_of_an_attribute(self, attribute, value):
...         if value < 0:
...             raise ValueError("x must be positive")
...     @y.default
...     def _any_name_except_a_name_of_an_attribute(self):
...         return self.x + 1
>>> C(1)
C(x=1, y=2)
>>> C(-1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: x must be positive

Serious business alias for attr.s.


Same as attrs.define.


Same as attrs.mutable.


Same as attrs.frozen.


Same as attrs.field.

class attr.Attribute

Same as attrs.Attribute.


Same as attrs.make_class.

class attr.Factory(factory, takes_self=False)

Stores a factory callable.

If passed as the default value to attrs.field, the factory is used to generate a new value.

  • factory (Callable) – A callable that takes either none or exactly one mandatory positional argument depending on takes_self.

  • takes_self (bool) – Pass the partially initialized instance that is being initialized as a positional argument.

Added in version 17.1.0: takes_self

Same as attrs.Factory.


Same as attrs.NOTHING.


All exceptions are available from both attr.exceptions and attrs.exceptions (it’s the same module in a different namespace).

Please refer to attrs.exceptions for details.



Same as attrs.cmp_using.


Same as attrs.fields.


Same as attrs.fields_dict.


Same as attrs.has.


Same as attrs.resolve_types.

attr.asdict(inst, recurse=True, filter=None, dict_factory=<class 'dict'>, retain_collection_types=False, value_serializer=None)

Return the attrs attribute values of inst as a dict.

Optionally recurse into other attrs-decorated classes.

  • inst – Instance of an attrs-decorated class.

  • recurse (bool) – Recurse into classes that are also attrs-decorated.

  • filter (Callable) – A callable whose return code determines whether an attribute or element is included (True) or dropped (False). Is called with the attrs.Attribute as the first argument and the value as the second argument.

  • dict_factory (Callable) – A callable to produce dictionaries from. For example, to produce ordered dictionaries instead of normal Python dictionaries, pass in collections.OrderedDict.

  • retain_collection_types (bool) – Do not convert to list when encountering an attribute whose type is tuple or set. Only meaningful if recurse is True.

  • value_serializer (Callable | None) – A hook that is called for every attribute or dict key/value. It receives the current instance, field and value and must return the (updated) value. The hook is run after the optional filter has been applied.


Return type of dict_factory.


attrs.exceptions.NotAnAttrsClassError – If cls is not an attrs class.

Added in version 16.0.0: dict_factory

Added in version 16.1.0: retain_collection_types

Added in version 20.3.0: value_serializer

Added in version 21.3.0: If a dict has a collection for a key, it is serialized as a tuple.

attr.astuple(inst, recurse=True, filter=None, tuple_factory=<class 'tuple'>, retain_collection_types=False)

Return the attrs attribute values of inst as a tuple.

Optionally recurse into other attrs-decorated classes.

  • inst – Instance of an attrs-decorated class.

  • recurse (bool) – Recurse into classes that are also attrs-decorated.

  • filter (Callable) – A callable whose return code determines whether an attribute or element is included (True) or dropped (False). Is called with the attrs.Attribute as the first argument and the value as the second argument.

  • tuple_factory (Callable) – A callable to produce tuples from. For example, to produce lists instead of tuples.

  • retain_collection_types (bool) – Do not convert to list or dict when encountering an attribute which type is tuple, dict or set. Only meaningful if recurse is True.


Return type of tuple_factory


attrs.exceptions.NotAnAttrsClassError – If cls is not an attrs class.

Added in version 16.2.0.


Same as attrs.filters.include.


Same as attrs.filters.exclude.

See attrs.asdict() for examples.

All objects from attrs.filters are also available in attr.filters.


Same as attrs.evolve.


Same as attrs.validate.


All objects from attrs.validators are also available in attr.validators. Please refer to the former for details.


All objects from attrs.converters are also available from attr.converters. Please refer to the former for details.


All objects from attrs.setters are also available in attr.setters. Please refer to the former for details.

Deprecated APIs

To help you write backward compatible code that doesn’t throw warnings on modern releases, the attr module has an __version_info__ attribute as of version 19.2.0. It behaves similarly to sys.version_info and is an instance of attr.VersionInfo:

class attr.VersionInfo(year: int, minor: int, micro: int, releaselevel: str)

A version object that can be compared to tuple of length 1–4:

>>> attr.VersionInfo(19, 1, 0, "final")  <= (19, 2)
>>> attr.VersionInfo(19, 1, 0, "final") < (19, 1, 1)
>>> vi = attr.VersionInfo(19, 2, 0, "final")
>>> vi < (19, 1, 1)
>>> vi < (19,)
>>> vi == (19, 2,)
>>> vi == (19, 2, 1)

Added in version 19.2.

With its help you can write code like this:

>>> if getattr(attr, "__version_info__", (0,)) >= (19, 2):
...     cmp_off = {"eq": False}
... else:
...     cmp_off = {"cmp": False}
>>> cmp_off == {"eq":  False}
>>> @attr.s(**cmp_off)
... class C:
...     pass

attr.assoc(inst, **changes)

Copy inst and apply changes.

This is different from evolve that applies the changes to the arguments that create the new instance.

evolve’s behavior is preferable, but there are edge cases where it doesn’t work. Therefore assoc is deprecated, but will not be removed.

  • inst – Instance of a class with attrs attributes.

  • changes – Keyword changes in the new copy.


A copy of inst with changes incorporated.


Deprecated since version 17.1.0: Use attrs.evolve instead if you can. This function will not be removed du to the slightly different approach compared to attrs.evolve, though.

Before attrs got attrs.validators.set_disabled and attrs.validators.set_disabled, it had the following APIs to globally enable and disable validators. They won’t be removed, but are discouraged to use:


Set whether or not validators are run. By default, they are run.

Deprecated since version 21.3.0: It will not be removed, but it also will not be moved to new attrs namespace. Use attrs.validators.set_disabled() instead.


Return whether or not validators are run.

Deprecated since version 21.3.0: It will not be removed, but it also will not be moved to new attrs namespace. Use attrs.validators.get_disabled() instead.

The serious-business aliases used to be called attr.attributes and attr.attr. There are no plans to remove them but they shouldn’t be used in new code.